Ebook Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

By Madge Garrett on Sunday, May 12, 2019

Ebook Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

Download As PDF : Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

Download PDF Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

El Muro de Berlín se alza amenazante antes sus ojos. Lo precede la franja de la muerte, con un campo minado, perros, torres de vigilancia y alambradas que impiden a cualquier germano-oriental cruzar a Occidente. Es el socialismo real, un mundo en las antípodas de los sueños de un joven veinteañero e idealista. En este relato en primero persona la esperada continuación de Nuestros años verde olivo, Roberto Ampuero narra los años en que vivió en la República Democrática Alemana, adonde llegó huyendo de la dictadura chilena cuando era un militante de las JJCC de Chile. Allí se encontró con la solidaridad del gobierno comunista que le permitió vivir y estudiar y amar, pero asimismo, con un sistema represivo, atrasado en décadas económica y culturalmente, y que solo podía mantenerse en pie gracias al estado policial y a las tropas soviéticas allí estacionadas. Detrás del Muro es la historia de un joven que se desencantó de un sistema aplastante y jerárquico, en el que el individuo no valía demasiado. Y es una reflexión sobre la necesidad de defender la libertad y la dignidad del ser humano frente a las ideologías totalitarias. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "The Berlin Wall rises menacingly before his eyes. Leading up to it is the 'death strip,' with landmines, dogs, watchtowers, and tripwires that stop any East German from crossing to the West." This is real socialism, a world that is the antithesis of an idealistic young man's dreams. In this tale—the long-awaited continuation of Our Olive Green Years—Roberto Ampuero narrates the years in which he lived in East Germany, where he had arrived after fleeing the Chilean dictatorship. There, he found himself with the solidarity of the communist government, allowing him to live, study, and love, but even so, with a system that was repressive, economically and culturally behind the times, and which could only stay standing thanks to the police state manned by Soviet troops. Behind the Wall is the story of a young man disenchanted by a crushing, hierarchical system, and it is a reflection on the need to defend liberty and human dignity in the face of totalitarian ideologies.

Ebook Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

"narrativa amena, absolutamente fiel a las experiencias de muchos jóvenes revolucionarios frustrados por la realidad de los países socialistas. yo entre ellos , aunque felizmente no cometí el error de irme a uno de ellos después del golpe. Me he hecho las mismas preguntas, sin encontrar respuestas- Bien Roberto, un gran saludo de un ex' trabajador del cobre y huésped del Estadio.."

Product details

  • Paperback 440 pages
  • Publisher Plaza & Janés (July 28, 2015)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 6073130120

Read Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books

Tags : Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall. A Novel of my Imprecise Memory (Spanish Edition) [Roberto Ampuero] on . El Muro de Berlín se alza amenazante antes sus ojos. Lo precede la franja de la muerte, con un campo minado, perros,Roberto Ampuero,Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall. A Novel of my Imprecise Memory (Spanish Edition),Plaza Janés,6073130120,Caribbean West Indies - Cuba,Latin America - South America,Personal Memoirs,Ampuero, Roberto - Homes and haunts - Germany (East),Ampuero, Roberto - Homes and haunts - Germany - Berlin,Authors, Chilean - 20th century,Autobiographical fiction,Berlin (Germany) - Intellectual life - 20th century,Chilean fiction,Chilean students - Germany (East),Chileans;Germany (East);Fiction.,Communism;Fiction.,Germany (East) - Social conditions,Germany (East);Fiction.,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography,FICTION / Historical / General,Fiction - Historical,Fiction-Historical,GENERAL,General Adult,HISTORY / Caribbean West Indies / Cuba,HISTORY / Latin America / South America,Historical - General,Mexico,Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Non-Fiction,Spanish Adult Nonfiction,biography; history books; world history; memoirs; history; autobiography; biographies; memoir; biographies of famous people; autobiographies; biographies and memoirs; autobiography books; gifts for history buffs; history gifts; history buff gifts; history teacher gifts; history lovers gifts; war; journalism; american history; revolution; historical; spanish; communism; travel writing; crime; socialism; culture; cuban missile crisis; adventure; cuba; caribbean; memoir books; historical books; cuba history; mystery; rolling stones,biography;world history;biographies;biographies and memoirs;autobiography;autobiographies;biographies of famous people;history books;memoirs;cuba;history;memoir;autobiography books;caribbean;gifts for history buffs;cuba history;memoir books;history buff gifts;historical books;history gifts;history teacher gifts;history lovers gifts;revolution;journalism;spanish;historical;communism;war;american history;socialism;crime;culture;cuban missile crisis;adventure;mystery;rolling stones;translation,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,FICTION / Historical / General,HISTORY / Caribbean West Indies / Cuba,HISTORY / Latin America / South America,Historical - General,Fiction - Historical,Biography Autobiography,Spanish Adult Nonfiction

Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books Reviews :

Detrás del muro / Behind the Wall A Novel of my Imprecise Memory Spanish Edition Roberto Ampuero 9786073130127 Books Reviews

  • Ampuero strives to understand what led him to believe in communism and to explain why, given his accomodated background, he chose to embrace it all-in. He lived in possibly the two worst places Cuba and the RDA; an isolated island with no easy way out of and in East Berlin , behind the infamous wall were guards were trained to kill anyone attempting to escape. All his liberties were restricted and he suffered immensely for his wrong choice. He longed for Chile and, while feeling grateful for the country that received him when he escaped from the Pinochet government and was torn with the decision of leaving to freedom or staying with the woman he loved, he strived to find a way to escape. Deep and moving account of human suffering.
  • El libro es una Joya. Un recorrido por Alemania Oriental que sirve a las nuevas generaciones para que recuerden cómo se vivía en ese sistema.
  • You want to know how communist works? Read this book. The author was a die hard commnunist and went to live in the RDA and Cuba after fleeing Chile. It changed his mind. Communist the worst disease in humanity.
  • Roberto Ampuero hace una critica sagaz de lo que fue la terrible dictadura totalitaria de la RDA. Roberto tiene la grandeza itelectual de reconocer sus errores de juventud y nos cuenta como se convirtio en un democrata liberal que condena tanto las dictadural de derecha como las de izquierda. Apenas lo acabe me pongo a leer Verde Olivo, el libro anterior a este.
  • This is a really interesting book about a young man who escapes the Pinochet regime in Chile to go to East Germany to study socialism. He is very disillusioned by the East German regime and the Wall that forbade people to leave. My sense is that this is not really a novel but closer to a memoir of the author who calls it a novel because he is afraid that he might get some of the facts wrong. If you are looking for a novel, you will likely be disappointed, but if you read it as a memoir of a writer who left Chile, lived in Cuba and East Berlin, and then ultimately went to Iowa, you will likely find it fascinating. I did!
  • narrativa amena, absolutamente fiel a las experiencias de muchos jóvenes revolucionarios frustrados por la realidad de los países socialistas. yo entre ellos , aunque felizmente no cometí el error de irme a uno de ellos después del golpe. Me he hecho las mismas preguntas, sin encontrar respuestas- Bien Roberto, un gran saludo de un ex' trabajador del cobre y huésped del Estadio..
  • I enjoyed reading this book. A lot of history and also good anecdotes which cold be personal or just part of the great imagination of the author.
  • Me ha gustado porque narra la verdad descarnada sobre como de vive en los paises comunistas.
    Se lo recomendaria a toda persona, ya sea de ideologia de derecha o de izquierda. Le haria bien leerlo a la juventud ingenua e idealista que sueña con utopías inalcanzables.