Read Online Fervent A Woman Battle Plan to Serious Specific and Strategic Prayer Priscilla Shirer 9781433688676 Books

By Madge Garrett on Friday, June 7, 2019

Read Online Fervent A Woman Battle Plan to Serious Specific and Strategic Prayer Priscilla Shirer 9781433688676 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 208 pages
  • Publisher B&H Books; 1st edition (August 1, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1433688670

Fervent A Woman Battle Plan to Serious Specific and Strategic Prayer Priscilla Shirer 9781433688676 Books Reviews

  • Broken. Disheveled. Discouraged. Barely clinging to hope. Those are the words that encapsulate where I found myself as I picked up Priscilla Shirer’s book, Fervent. I felt broken by the looming threat of marital dissolution. Earlier in 2015, my husband and I separated and I found myself contemplating divorce as the year neared its cyclic close. I looked in the mirror and I was emotionally and spiritually disheveled from the harsh beating inflicted by gusty winds of uncertainty and icy storms of confusion. Discouragement over the future lurked along my horizon and I was barely clinging to hope. I sat alone in my small, one bedroom apartment and, through tears, opened the pages of one of the most life changing books I’ve read. Ever.
    Immediately, I was incited against the dark forces that had held me captive for the last year. Things about myself that I had forgotten began to resurface in my memories. New words emerged. Called. Equipped. Armed. Empowered. Only moments into the pages, a shift began to occur in my thinking and suddenly, I felt a surge of strength. Of passion. Of purpose. Of anger. How dare the enemy aim to rob me of not only my identity in Christ, but also all of those things for which Christ died on my behalf. To hell with you, devil, became the new message ringing in my ears as I began to take captive every defeating and disheartening thought that had occupied my mind prior to opening the Spirit saturated pages of Shirer’s book. As the words took root in my heart, I began to see that this was no ordinary volume. It wasn’t written for the sweet child who prays innocently for a piece of candy after dinner. Neither was it addressed to the prideful Pharisee type who offers up prayers of gratitude that he’s not like others. It wasn’t even written to the one who already has a strong and faithful prayer life. No, it was written to the worn out, desperate woman who’s on the edge of the seat of despair. To the one who is about to give up. To her who is considering quitting. It was written to the defeated, the hopeless, and discouraged. It was written to me. So if that’s also you…if you’ve lost your fight, forgotten your position of victory, or feel your candle is about to burn out, allow me to recommend Priscilla Shirer’s Fervent. Reading it will leave you changed. Hungry for victory. Angry over the enemy’s lies. Fervent in prayer.
  • This is a five star book. If you struggle with what to say in prayer or feel intimidated in front of others. This will give you tools to fight the enemy from a victory standpoint.
  • Amazing book. Still taking it in chapter by chapter. Processing the fullness of the book. So thankful to have purchased it. Very life challenging.
  • I was so excited to see a new book on prayer by Priscilla Shirer, Fervent A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer.

    Full confession here, I am rather the Priscilla Shirer fan. I find her books to be direct, practical and very scripture based. Having said that, this may just be my absolute favorite of all of her books. I judge how well I like a Christian book by how many little sticky flags I place on the pages. I often will quote these thoughts in my ministry (giving full credit of course). This one is covered in little purple flags!

    I love the organization of this book. As usual, Ms. Shirer is very organized in the way she writes. She begins with a basic coverage of prayer and specifically regaining your passion for prayer. She then covers nine specific categories she believes we should be addressing in our prayer life our focus, our identity, our family, our past, our fears, our purity, our pressures, our hearts and our relationships.

    Each chapter begins with a little "If I were your enemy" thought. I loved these and have already quoted one on the Parenting Like Hannah Facebook page. It's a great way for her to frame a la C.S. Lewis how Satan must view his plans to derail us from the life God meant for us to live. The chapter is filled with her personal experiences and her insights based on scripture.

    One of my favorite parts of this book is that it is filled with scripture. She not only gives the citations within the book, but provides the quotes as well. This is always my pet peace about Christian books - having to flip back and forth within the book or between the book and the Bible to check out scriptures. Kudos to her for making it easy. Sometimes she adds her own thoughts after the scripture, but often she lets them stand on their own.

    I won't steal her thunder by quoting lots of passages. Let me just say this book is very practical, very well organized, very thought provoking and very scripture based. If you read my blog regularly, I rarely say you must absolutely own a book. I want to be respectful of your finances. I often say this book is worth reading, but to me that is very different from being a "must read". This in my opinion is one of those "must reads". It even has a tear out section in the back for prayers you can take with you wherever you go.

    If you want help with your prayer life, I am sure there are plenty of resources that may help you. I personally would choose to purchase this one. I really think it has the tools you need to enrich, enhance and even jump start your prayer life.

    A copy of this book was given to me for free in exchange for my honest review.
  • Priscilla has written a book on prayer that is as practical as they come. It's not a theoretical dissertation on prayer. It's a nuts and bolts "let's get on our knees and get after it" guide. Step by step coverage of ten different areas of your life passion, focus, identity, family, past, fears, purity, pressures, hurts and relationships. She includes numerous specific scriptures for each of these ten areas. If this book doesn't motivate you in the war against the enemy of your soul I don't know what will. "Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all his ploys against you....His reign of terror stops here. Stops now. He might keep coming, but he won't have victory anymore."